doing a self portrait for digital photography has not been fun. I got too scared to do my critique today in class. :( i was playing with my camera, amelie, and i didn't really capture "karen." around 2 am last night i found myself sadly looking through my creative efforts and thinking about what would reflect "me" the most. i started photoshopping my wonderful friends together. there. that's me. this is what i'm made of. this is what i

reflect. looking at their happy faces, thinking how they've shaped me.
i am blessed. so loved. so blessed. God is so amazing. this trip, this adventure could never ever compare to the feeling i get laying on the kitchen floor with becca laughing and acting our shoe sizes (NOT our age) or playing in leaves with danika, or holding dustin's hand, or laughing with lisa at things that only a humor cultivated over 20 years or sisterhood could understand, or seeing tyler get so excited about his new job, or floating down the the river, or hanging out with people way too late at danny's house, or having the most amazing dinners with carrie and seth,

or going to bible study, or having gilmore girl and starbucks nights with roommates :), or having hilarious theatre memories (i miss this a lot!), or laughing at(with) my parents, or going on a midnight hike, OR praying/worshiping with friends.
i wouldn't trade them for anything. italy doesn't hold a flame next to the people that make me "karen." i knew this, i didn't need to come here to find this out, i'm just saying;
i love my peeps. ITALY HAPPENINGSwhen in florence:
1. obviously Piazzale Michelangelo. (probably the

most romantic spot EVER that begs for young men to pop the question under the stars here. BUT... most people probably don't go up to the church/monestary that is up further on the hill. it is hidden. if you go at the right time, you can here the monks singing (Saturdays i think.) the cometary is breathtaking! unbelievable. Inside, the Portugese Cardinal is buried and there is amazing mosaics and frescos from the 14-16th century. (i learned this from my new 78 year old Italian friend, Giulio.
2. go to Sienna. don't overlook this town. cheap bus ride (13 euro) from florence. the chianti vineyards

are so peaceful. Sienna is very very gothic yet eclectic. It's kind of a quirky little medieval city. Like Rome, it was built on 7 hills and it seems that none of the roads are flat. (you could get some nice calves.)
3. i found out where the secret bakery is! this bakery opens at midnight and is in an unmarked alley. no signage, just follow your nose. i plan to go soon. report to come.
well, world. it's 2 am and i have completely

procrastinated about three more hours of homework...